Facilities and Maintenance

Actions we're taking


Increased Staffing


Additional Cleaning


Full Capacity Air Exchange


Water fountains are being replaced with water bottle fill stations


Removing Carpet from Classrooms


Removing Shared Supplies from Classrooms

Improved Air Ventilation Systems

Our heating and ventilation systems have been undergoing a major overhaul in the past few years. Better air equals healthier staff and students.

By exchanging indoor and outdoor air more often and more quickly we are maximizing the system’s current capacity. This practice can reduce sickness too by minimizing exposure to airborne viruses and bacteria in shared spaces.

Ongoing Maintenance Plans

Old schools need work. With some buildings dating back to the mid-1900s, many materials were used that are no longer acceptable. 

We are taking advantage of every chance we have, while schools are not in session, to make improvements and enhance safety for our staff and students. We can’t wait for you to return!